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SICAS Interview with Mr. Yuan Guohua--Vice Dean of the School of International Studies of Wuhan University of Technology (WUT)

Views:730 Time:12/5/2011 12:00:00 AM

Characteristic of efficiency, accuracy and safety, SICAS has established reliable partnerships with more than 200 first-rate universities in China, including Wuhan University of Technology. On Dec 5, 2011, SICAS CEO Ms Zhanglu and SICAS School Liaison Department staff members met with Mr. Yuan Guohua--Vice Dean of the School of International Studies of WUT, during which he accepted an exclusive SICAS interview.

What follows is a transcript of the conversation which has been slightly condensed, and edited for clarity:

Host: First of all, thank you obviously for your time, Mr. Yuan. Could you please give us a brief introduction of WUT?
Mr. Yuan: Sure. WUT, a national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education, covers an extensive range of disciplines. Of all, MBA, Economics, Industrial Engineering, Material Science and Engineering and Civil Engineering have taken the lead, attracting an increasingly growing number of International students worldwide.

Host: What do you think appeal to foreign students?
Mr. Yuan: Well, I suppose they have been fascinated by "SSS", i.e., Subjects, Scholarships and Students-oriented Management.

Host: Sounds interesting. Please tell us more.
Mr. Yuan: I'll begin with the 1st "S"-subjects. Currently, WUT is officially authorized by the Ministry of Education (MOE) of China to offer a variety of programs to International students, including 79 bachelor's degree programs,138 master's degree programs, 68 doctoral programs as well as non-degree programs for learning Chinese language and culture.

Host: Ah, great! Are there any English-medium programs?
Mr. Yuan: Of course yes. Bachelor's degree program Industrial Engineering, master's degree programs MBA, Economics, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering and Material Science and Engineering along with doctoral degree program Economics are provided specially for those who worry about language barrier.

Host: What about the 2nd "S"--Scholarships?
Mr. Yuan: In addition to the 6 state-level scholarships, WUT has 4 exclusive scholarships at hand, i.e., "WUT Friendship Scholarship", "WUT Scholarship for Outstanding International Students", "Distinguished International Students Scholarship" and "University Postgraduate Program Scholarship" to support excellent International students to study in WUT. What's more, those who manage to apply for WUT through SICAS may have an additional opportunity to be awarded "SICAS & WUT Outstanding Students Scholarship".

Host: Well, it seems that WUT attaches great importance to the guiding principle of "Taking Education of Students as the Basis and Putting Academic Advancement Foremost". WUT really stands in the shoes of students, right?
Mr. Yuan: That's what I want to say next, the 3rd "S"--Students-oriented Management. Let's start with the pre-degree foundation courses available for foreign students of both arts and science. What's worth noting is that WUT International science students are accessible to not only their major-related basic courses such as math, physics and chemistry and so on, but also to the Mandarin course for the sake of better-stay in China. Actually, there's no need to be afraid of lagging behind since WUT adopts the teaching principle of "Ensuring Complete Mastery of Learning Content for All". WUT teaching schedules go on a suitable manner with lessons instructed by knowledgeable and friendly teachers who go out of the way to help in case of questions. Apart from the faculty assistance, International students are also able to receive the support from their Chinese counterparts. It's known as the "One-for-One Help" whose aim is to help foreign freshmen adapt to their new campus life in China. As for self-supported students who have difficulties in tuition payment, WUT will not let you down, too. WUT may consider to exempt part of your tuition and to pay the insurance premium for you. Then if you are fabulous enough in both character and study, you can also have the opportunity to be rewarded scholarships provided by WUT. It's also suggested that you'd better apply for part-time jobs and internships on campus as there are 167 International enterprises in good collaboration with WUT.

Host: What businesses can students engage in as part-timers or interns?
Mr. Yuan: At present International students can apply for posts in the fields of construction, transportation and automobile. And of course, those who don't have financial problems can also hunt for internships at those International enterprises for the sake of building your bright careers.

Host: Is there any priority given for those who register for WUT through SICAS?
Mr. Yuan: Yes, those who apply for internships at WUT through SICAS will be be free of tuition since SICAS and WUT have reached an agreement on internships at WUT.

Host: Good news! Anything else?
Mr. Yuan: All in all, WUT will be a perfect destination for International students to study in China. We look forward to excellent applicants from around the world to apply for WUT through SICAS!

Host: Thank you for staying with us, Mr. Yuan. 

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