SICAS recommends applicants who cannot use T/T or PayPal payments to use Western Union (especially African
applicants).Recipient's Information
Last name/ Family Name:
First name/ Given Name:
Go to your nearest Western Union service provider. Fill out the form provided and show your government-issued
identification card or other supporting documents to the service provider. You will be required to sign a receipt after
you have verified all the details printed on the receipt are correct. One of the details printed on the receipt is your
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).Please upload the receipt with MTCN to make sure SICAS can confirm
your payment.
An online invoice from SICAS helps you to make an offline payment more conveniently. Click on ‘Browse Invoice’
to see your SICAS invoice. Please take the invoice with you when you wire the money. If you select Western Union
or Bank transfer as the payment method, you need to upload the payment receipt after wiring the money at the
post office or bank.