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The application of 2019 -2020 Outstanding International Students of BJTU

In order to motivate international students with excellent study performance, active participation in campus events and social activities as well as dedicatory spirit to promote international student affairs, BJTU CIE opens the application of 2019 -2020 Outstanding International Students of BJTU. Detailed information are as following:

Application for 2019-2020 Outstanding International Student of Beijing Jiaotong University

1. Principle
The selection work should strictly abide by the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality in order to achieve the purpose of encouraging outstanding international students in BJTU.

2. Qualifications
International students who are enrolled in BJTU as degree students, and who are on the second grade or above and within the academic years are qualified to apply. Students who are suspended of schooling are not included. The following basic conditions shall be met to apply for outstanding international student: 
(1) Have an understanding of and respect for Chinese culture, and play a positively exemplary role among international students by learning about, be friendly and assimilating themselves into the Chinese society;
(2) Stay compliant with Chinese laws and regulations and the University's rules and administration, well-behaved, respectful to teachers, friendly to students, and free of or removed from disciplinary actions before August 31 of the year;
(3) Be diligent and hard-working in his/her studies, and do a good job in academic performance;
(4) Be active in participating in student activities and club activities organized by the BJTU, enthusiastic over international exchanges between Chinese and foreign students on campus, and make his/her share of contribution to the self-management of international students;
(5) Handle all formalities related to visas, residence permits and insurance on time, sign anti-drug commitments and pay tuition fees on time.

3. Procedure
(1) Submitting a application form if you meet the conditions that mentioned above;

(2) Counselors conduct a preliminary review of the students who have submitted applications. The application should also be approved by the supervisor and the faculty. Qualified students' application materials will be submitted to CIE for review and candidate selection within the specified time;

(3) Candidates should participate in public defenses, and the review committee evaluates the candidates and finally selects winners;

(4) Publicize the list of winners;

(4) After the publicity period, the final winners list will be determined. 

Source: Beijing Jiaotong University